My Journey

I never set out to be a woodworker.

Looking back, I do remember always having this insatiable desire to make, to create. From a young age I was always making something, whether it was making my own tools and weapons, or gluing together 1000 toothpicks to make the strongest bridge ever for a physics assignment. Some might have called me a strange child, but hey, to me the idea that you could bring into existence what was in your imagination was captivating.

Woodworking was something that enchanted me unexpectedly. After years of working in the digital space for the better part of 10 years, I craved to work with something tangible. Before long a few tools turned into a few dozen and I was constantly thinking about the next project. I think that an interest grabs and captures our imagination, rather than we grab them, so just like that I found what I was supposed to be doing. 

In life there will always be pebbles that get in your shoe to annoy you and a thorn or two that will poke you, but that’s no reason not be grateful for this thing we call life.